7.1 MWp ground mount in Bechhofen


7.1 MWp ground mount in Bechhofen

Biodiversity meets solar energy:

Innovative combination on 7.1 MWp ground mount in Bechhofen

A ground-mounted photovoltaic project with an output of 7.1 MWp was realized in Bechhofen. The town thus serves as the location for a major solar energy plant.

This area was once used as farmland, but now sheep roam under the solar panels that shade the grassland. Extensification measures have been implemented to promote biodiversity on site, such as the cultivation of fruit trees and hedges. This strengthens ecological diversity and promotes biodiversity. In this way, native species can spread again and new species can develop.

The construction of the project has therefore not only had a positive impact on the energy sector, but also on the ecological condition of the area. It also provides a sustainable source of energy for the region.

Who: Agriculture
Where: Bechhofen, Germany
Order: Solar park